Snow, Vision Boards, & Following Through: Why 2017 is the Year for Showing Up

There’s something to be said about commitment and really following through on the goals we set for ourselves. Many times we will be faced with an obstacle or a struggle just to see how bad we really want something. While some people will push through the obstacle to get what they want, others will use it as an excuse to stay home and not show up. That determination to push through in the face of adversity is what separates the successful from the unsuccessful. The reason winners win is because they refuse to give up or be stopped. It is that frame of mind that we all must apply to every area of our lives. The minute you develop a winning mindset winning becomes inevitable.

This past Saturday, despite the first snow storm of the year enveloping the city, I packed up my books, magazines, and my vision board supplies and made my way to Brooklyn from New Jersey. With the snow coming down non-stop for the majority of the day it was really easy for anyone to decide to stay home. Hell, even I thought about it. But despite my apprehension and my desire to stay in my warm comfy home I stuck to my commitment and I showed up. And so did over 20 other individuals.
Mothers came with the daughters, others came with their spouse and children, and some just made it a “Girls Afternoon Out” event and showed up with their friends. The room was jammed pack (note to self “make sure you get a bigger space next time”), but despite that every person in attendance showed up. Not just for me, but for themselves. They were eager, willing, and anxious to get started on their boards.

I took them through a number of exercises to help them gain some clarity on their goals and helped them to create a plan of action. Because although vision boards are great, if you don’t have a game plan or an action plan on how to accomplish your goals the vision board becomes simply a piece of poster board with a bunch of pictures on it.

My guest speaker, Johanny Olmedo, from Business Intelligence Associates did a phenomenal job inspiring the attendees by sharing his own journey of success. He touched upon the importance of working hard, staying hungry, and staying humble. He talked about being willing to go the extra mile, and setting yourself apart from the rest. He talked about the importance of really connecting with people on a personal level and not just a business level. People want to know and feel like you care about them. As a leader in his company, he stressed that more than anything, it’s about treating people with respect and letting them know the work they do is important.
When we connect with the humanity in another person that connection is what takes the relationship to another level. This is as true in business relationships as it is in personal relationships. It’s about showing up in that person’s life so that they feel seen and heard. This is probably the greatest piece of advice you can receive because success in anything is a result of the people investing their time, resources, or money in whatever it is we create. Hard work will make you successful, but relationships and generating loyalty from your customer/consumer base will keep you successful.
By the time the event was over everyone was inspired, empowered, and committed to working towards their 2017 goals. I reminded them that when YOU show up for yourself, God shows up for you. And through your hard work, opens windows where doors have closed, puts in your path the people, resources, and opportunities necessary to manifest every vision you have for yourself. Trust yourself and be patient. Timing is everything.

Feedback from attendees:
“Thank you again for putting together the vision board workshop. I really enjoyed myself and I am glad I made it. Most beneficial for me, was hearing your story and your brother in laws story, really inspired me. Just the boost I needed for the New Year. I left meeting someone new, which is always exciting (I love meeting new people) I enjoyed your energy and your vibe You are a great motivator/speaker.” – Eimy Rodriguez
“Hi Nancy great to see you again on Saturday. I enjoyed myself at the workshop. I enjoyed the worksheets and setting clear goals with steps. Without a plan, there are no goals and without clear goals with action steps. There will be no progress.” – Rita Siniscalchi, Social Media Strategist
"This was an amazing event. I walked out with a lot of new information and determination for myself this year. Thanks to you. I would love to see more motivational speakers. The two of you were great. I feel that by listening to obstacles people face with faith, discourage, struggles, etc. helps those listening to stay positive and keep pushing. You are a true motivation. I can't wait to see you for the fierce women event and in December when we need to retouch on our vision boards.” – Rosa Garcia, Proprietor Mott Haven Bar & Grill
“Thank you for hosting your annual vision board workshop. I have been doing vision boards for years but there is something special when you go to an actual event and participate in one.” – Dee Negron
"Vision board weekend!!! It was so easy to stay home, nice and warm trust me I thought about it and even texted Nancy to see if the snow was affecting the event when she told me we were still on, I took it as a sign! 2017 will not be easy! Sacrifices must be done, it will get uncomfortable but I am happy I have my vision board to remind me of my goals! Thank you.” – Jacqueline Sinchi
“Mother daughter vision workshop day! We could of stayed home and said "oh well we will go to the next one" but I really had my heart set on going and experiencing this with my daughter! I am so grateful that we went! We both left inspired and motivated. Kayla even purchased a book with her own money! (I can't tell you the last she bought a book) Thank you Nancy A. Ruffin” – Bianca Cristina