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3 Things You MUST Do to Manifest Your VISION:

This past weekend I held my annual vision board workshop. After every event I reach out to my attendees and ask for feedback on the workshop (was it helpful, what was most beneficial, what would you like to see next time). Their responses help me to improve the workshop and tweak it so that next time I can make sure I give them exactly what they want.


One of the things a couple of the attendees said was that they would have liked more time to complete their vision boards. While I usually allot 30-35 minutes to work on the actual boards this was the first time anyone requested more time and I will definitely allot more time at the next one. But while many vision board workshops focus solely on the creation and completion of the actual board I believe that it’s as equally as important to have a game plan laid out for how you are going to accomplish each goal. Which is why I spend a great deal of the workshop time working through exercises with the attendees, not only to identify their SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, relevant/Realistic, & Time Based), but to also list the steps necessary to accomplish each goal. Without a plan of action you inadvertently are creating a plan to fail. You can’t accomplish your goals if you have no idea how to get started.


Once someone invests their time and money to attend one of my workshops I then become invested in them and in their success. I really want them to succeed and manifest all the things they’ve put on their vision boards so I make sure that I equip them with the appropriate tools to get them started and keep them focused.


I was scrolling through Facebook recently and I came across a Facebook event page for another vision board workshop. The event was described as the following:


“DREAM IT. SEE IT. VIEW IT. DO IT! What is a Vision Board? A vision board is a collage representing things you would like to attract to your life. You cut pictures and phrases out of magazines, and include your own photos in your collage. You glue images and words onto poster board and place it somewhere you can see it on a regular basis. Then you watch as the magic happens! A vision board is a fun way to create the life that you want for yourself.”


Now, while everyone has their own way of doing things it is important to understand that just because you create a vision board glue images and words onto a poster board the life you want isn’t automatically going to come to you. In my opinion, the above description is misleading and inaccurate. As I said to my attendees this past weekend a vision board is a TOOL to help keep you focused on your dreams. However, without taking specific and deliberate action to achieve your goals you will never accomplish them and the life you want will never manifest. The only way to make your dreams come true is to actively WORK towards them. Below are 5 things YOU MUST DO to turn that vision board into a living/breathing representation of the life you want.


CREATE A PLAN. If you attended my workshop then you’ve already started on this step. You must set clear and specific goals and assign a deadline for completion for each one. For example, instead of setting a goal to “make more money” this year, I’d say I want to do business with 5 new clients who pay in full. Or instead of saying “I want to lose weight” say “I want to lose 2lbs a week.” See the difference?


Additionally, your plan should also identify the action steps you must take in order to accomplish each goal. Without understanding the necessary components required for completion you will be like a dog chasing its tail, going in circles and confused. The idea is to eliminate or reduce as much as possible any uncertainty or confusion associated with completing your goal. Being clear on what is required is critical to your capacity to achieve it.


Lastly, you must also as best as possible identify potential roadblocks and challenges. The road to success is never smooth so planning for those bumps in the road will better position you to overcome them should they arise.


WORK. Unlike the description above that says create your vision board then watch as the magic happens, you cannot dream or wish success into your reality. The only way to be successful is to wake up every single day and actively work at it. The more you work towards your goals the more you open yourself up to meeting new people and new opportunities. You CANNOT sit back and wish for what you want; you have to do the WORK. You have to be ready to acknowledge the signs and signals God sends, connect with the people placed in your life for a purpose and do your part. Nothing is going to come to you, you have to go out and get it.


BELIEVE. One of the greatest obstacles in fulfilling our dreams is overcoming the idea that our dreams are impossible to achieve. The reason some people never accomplish their dreams is because they don’t believe enough in themselves, their abilities, and their power to make things happen. Spiritual leader Michael Beckwith says, “If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you.” Believing in ourselves doesn’t necessarily mean we have all the answers when we start. It is very likely we won’t. We may not even know where to begin or have the resources or finances to support our dreams. That’s not what believing in ourselves is.


Believing in ourselves means that even though we may have no clue how we will accomplish our goals, we trust ourselves, our talents, and our God given abilities enough to try; knowing that as long as we try and don’t give up, success is inevitable.

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