Women All Across the World UNITE and MARCH! #womensmarch2017

Yesterday the 45th President of the United States of America was sworn into office. Despite losing the popular vote by almost 3 million votes the orange buffoon is now the leader of the free world. While we can't change that fact we can resist it and refuse to acknowledge a man who represents the very worst of our country (racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, White Supremacy, anti LGBTQ, etc.). And I'm proud to see that so many of us are.

Today all across this country and all across the world women are gathering and uniting to make their voices heard and show the world what resistance looks like. It is about refusing to accept the principles, ideals, and beliefs that DJT represents. His beliefs do not represent what our great country stands for today. The rhetoric spewed during the election cycle and during his campaign has insulted the very people who have built this country and make this country great. His irresponsible and divisive comments against anyone who doesn't agree with him is terrifying. His constant threats against journalists and the media is a threat to our First Amendment right to freedom of speech. The people of THESE United States will NOT accept his Presidency quietly but instead challenge it every chance we get. He is not good for this country and he is a threat to democracy and our basic civil rights.
Though I could not participate in any of the protest marches today my heart is with my fellow sisters on the front lines making their voices heard and their presence felt. Their visibility matters. Why? Because it's important that any politician or anyone for that matter that shares DJT's beliefs see that we will not be silenced. Women's rights are human rights and our rights should not and will not be threatened without a fight. We are champions of human rights, justice, dignity and we will uphold the memories of those who fought before us for us by any means necessary. We will be BOLD and we will be LOUD. We will stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.

To go on my social media feeds and see the support we are receiving across the world from Australia to Denmark, from London to Barcelona in protest of this administration and Presidency, gives me hope for our future. This is what POWER looks like. This is not the end. This is just the beginning.
I have been very vocal in my opposition to Trump both during his campaign and after. He does not represent the majority of Americans and the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes proves that.