Love Thy Selfie: A Teen Girls Self Love Workshop
Raising smart, strong, and confident kids is critical to raising smart, strong, and confident adults, but this is even more tantamount in young girls. As girls get older, they'll likely encounter pressures they've never faced before. For many girls, puberty and the transition from elementary to middle school hit about the same time. "Just when they’re changing schools, changing peer groups, and facing higher academic demands, their bodies start changing too,” says Richard Lerner, PhD, the Bergstrom Chair and director of the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development at Tufts University. All of it is a tremendous amount of stress all at once. Our young girls face immense pressure and often times aren't equipped with the tools or resources necessary to make those transitions.
For this reason, The FIERCE Woman Organization has partnered with Angy Abreu and the Lean 2 Love Organization for the Love Thy Selfie Workshop being held on March 24, 2018 from 12 pm to 3 pm. Together we will empower our teen girls by providing a safe space to reflect and talk about some of the fears, challenges, and insecurities that come with growing up. The workshop is for teen girls ages 12-18 and is designed to teach them about self-love so they emerge, transform, and rise up into their fullest potential as visionaries who will one day change the world!

Through carefully crafted discussions and exercises the girls will reflect on who they are, who they want to become, and learn tools for transformation and communication to build self-esteem & confidence. They will learn what it takes to thrive despite a culture that brainwashes them to believe they are not enough – just the way they are.
This event is free, but registration is REQUIRED. Canvases and crafts included in registration. We also encourage attendees to bring magazines and crafts to share. Register today to reserve your seat.